8 January 2011

President of the Poorest and Richest in the World

Is it true that Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is the president of the poorest in the world? The answer may be yes and can not. Answered yes, because he was the president in the world with wealth as follows: the wealth and property consisting of Peugeot 504 sedan in 1977 and a legacy of his father's modest home 40 years ago in a slum in Tehran! 

If you answered no, then he was the president of the world's richest place for many officials of any country to "mirror" alias introspection. Many people wanted officials in his country to behave as Ahmadinejad, "borrow" Ahmadinejad mirror to see themselves. And after reflecting on them no matter the president's personal and officials should be very simple and "trust" in the sense of invisible. 

"When the mirror, I saw people in the mirror and say to him: Remember, you're nothing more than a servant, a day ahead of you filled with a heavy responsibility, namely to serve the Iranian nation," Ahmadinejad said when interviewed by Fox TV (USA). 

The description of Ahmadinejad, it does make people gaped and wonder. More than agape, perhaps many of our officials do not believe. Is there still a "man" like him? A president in a country would have felt "uneasy" after learning that his name lives of the Iranian president this world. Moreover, if the president was asked his opinion to go along with Ahmadinejad lifestyle. 

What makes people not believe it was when first occupied the presidential office, he donated the entire carpet palace Iran a very high value to the mosques in Tehran and replacing it with regular carpet that is easy to clean. 

At the palace, there is a very large room to accept and respect the VIP guests, and then he ordered to close the space and asked the protocol to replace it with regular room with two simple wooden chair, but looks impressive. 

The first time a direct Iranian president did was to announce his wealth before, a completely not comparable with the usual wealth of an official in other countries generally. Let alone compared with the president, by legislators in Indonesia he was "not worthy of comparison". In fact, if viewed from the side of the road, he was one of the most influential world leaders in the world arena today. 

As president, he still lives in his house. On many occasions he took mingle with the cleaning around the home and the office of presidency. 

His bank account had a minimum balance, and the only money coming to him is his monthly salary. His salary as a lecturer at a university is only worth U.S. $ 250. 

So, does that really want to present themselves pursued by Ahmadinejad became president of a country which is very important strategically, economically, politically and defense in the Arab region and even the world? 

This president did not even take a salary, the reason is that all wealth is owned by the state and he was on duty to guard it. 

One thing that wowed the presidential staff is always carried a bag which the president every day which always contains a breakfast sandwich or cheese sandwich prepared by his wife and eat it with joy, he also break the habit of providing food that is devoted to the president. 

Something else that he changed the policy of the Presidential Aircraft. He turned it into cargo planes that can save you tax the people and for himself, he asked to fly with ordinary aircraft with economy class. 

He also stopped the habit red carpet ceremony, photo session, or self-publishing, or things like that when visiting various places in the country. 

When should stay at the hotel, he asked to be given a room without a bed that is not too great because he does not like sleeping on a mattress, but would rather sleep on the floor carpet and blankets. 

He often held meetings with his ministers to get info about the activities and efficiency that has been done, and he cut the palace protocol so that ministers can go straight to his room without any obstacles. 

When he asked his ministers to come to him, they will receive a signed document that contains directives from him, landing is particularly stress them to keep a simple life and mentioned that the personal accounts as well as their close relatives will be monitored, so that by the time they will his term ends to leave his office with his head erect. 

Whether Ahmadinejad wanted to satirize a lot of officials around the world to behave like that or want to lower the position of president? 

President of Iran is indeed to make people not believe and photographs simplicity itself spread to many countries including the United States are very hostile to Iran's defense programs under his leadership. 

The most commendable is his attitude toward people in a mosque. In the case of her congregation in prayer, you will often see that a president does not sit in the front row.On any occasion, when a voice call to prayer reverberating, he did pray in wherever he is, although only regular carpet. Not surprisingly, there is a photo of Ahmadinejad is sitting to perform their prayers at the edge of a road paved with only a cloth! 

When she held a huge celebration that is to marry his son, the son of the president's marriage did not spend billions of dollars such as when the son of a minister in Indonesia, married. Marriage, the marriage of a son of the president's most strategic countries such as Iran, just like the workers of a child marriage. 

There's a quiz: Are you an official who could borrow a mirror "Ahmadinejad, and would" behave poor but rich in heart, as rich as Ahmadinejad "? (W / Yunizar Nassyam) 

When Ahmadinejad was wearing shirt Regular Events - Event Formal Wear Ever Without Ties 

Sleeping only a carpet and blankets 

Beloved wife of artificial food that was brought to the palace and eat at a simple place (dining room) 

Together with other congregational prayers (the president does not have the front rows if you arrive late): 

Friendly And Polite When In interviews with journalists 

It never left the prayer Wherever He Being